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INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information of Europe 359 views

Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and Council establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) | (OJ L no. 108 of 25.04.2007, p.1) was established 15th May 2007.

The Directive INSPIRE was transposed into Slovenian legislation with the Infrastructure for Spatial Information Act (IPI), which lays down rules for the establishment and provision of infrastructure for spatial information in the Republic of Slovenia. European and Slovenian infrastructure for spatial information consist of metadata, spatial data and services related to spatial data, network services and technologies, arrangements for the sharing of spatial data and services related to spatial data access, and their use and the mechanisms and procedures for coordinating and monitoring performance at IPI and European regulations.

On the basis of the Directive INSPIRE the European rules for its implementation were adopted. Rules are issued in the form of regulations and decisions that are binding for all Member States. Regulations deal with the metadata, spatial data sets, interoperability between them and the services to access information on data, sharing data in Europe and the monitoring and reporting of the implementation of the directive INSPIRE.


Interoperability level
Legislative interoperability
Interoperability sublevel
Owner institution

Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije





Tomaž Petek, mag. Irena Ažman
Restrictions of use
Compliance with EU assets
Yes - Določila direktive INSPIRE so prenesena v slovenski pravni red z Zakonom o infrastrukturi za prostorske informacije (ZIPI), ki določa pravila za vzpostavitev in zagotavljanje infrastrukture za prostorske informacije v Republiki Sloveniji. Na podlagi direktive INSPIRE so bili sprejeti evropski predpisi za njeno izvajanje. Predpisi so izdani v obliki uredb in odločb, ki so obvezujoči za vse države članice. Predpisi se nanašajo na metapodatke, na zbirke podatkov in njihovo medopravilnost, na storitve za dostop do podatkov, na souporabo podatkov v evropskem prostoru ter na spremljanje in poročanje izvajanja direktive INSPIRE.
Legal basis
Zakon o infrastrukturi za prostorske informacije (ZIPI) - 2010-01-0250 (Legal basis for access)

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