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OECD Principles on Digital Government Strategies (draft) 239 views

The document with the OECD Principles on Digital Government Strategies was prepared by a special OECD task force composed of 13 member countries in the period from May 2012, based on conclusions from the Mexico 2012 e-Leaders meeting in March 2012.
The document was discussed on recent e-Leaders meeting in Bern and is in public debate until 20 December 2013.
OECD is expecting from the member countries to present the document to as many stakeholders from inside and outside public administration as possible and to collect as many useful feedback as possible.
The final version of the document will be presented to the PGC Committee presumably in March 2014 and after the adoption of the document that is planned to be in the second half of 2014, OECD will regularly monitor compliance of the countries with these principles.


Interoperability level
Organizational interoperability
Interoperability sublevel
National interoperability framework
Owner institution

Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve





Restrictions of use
Compliance with EU assets
Yes - pri nastajanju dokumenta so sodelovali predstavniki članic EU
Type of legislation
načela OECD

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