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Portal STOP the Bureaucracy 254 views

The web portal provides:

- current information on the programme implementation, publish best practices (both at national and EU levels) and reports on administrative burdens in an individual regulation (act, rule,…) as measured in the programme

- insight into the application containing all the information on administrative burdens

-access to the national database of the measured administrative burdens which are imposed on citizens and entrepreneurs by legislation. Selection between various extracts regarding individual burdens (regarding costs and time) is also possible.

- additional proposals from users for simplification in order to achieve the greatest effect possible regarding the pursuit of the objective of reducing administrative burdens and simplifying procedures by 25 per cent and consequently, of simpler and more transparent legislation.

The portal is intended for all entrepreneurs and citizens who, either in the business process or everyday life, have contact with administrative procedures where they encounter obligations they have to fulfil to meet the requirements of legislation. In addition to entrepreneurs and citizens, the portal is also intended for persons preparing regulations and others employed in the state administration encountering administrative procedures.

Within the scope of its better legislation policy, the Republic of Slovenia has started to actively implement the principles of preparing regulations better in order to achieve greater competitiveness for small and medium-sized companies, as well as to increase the satisfaction of citizens who cooperate with the state due to various life-related events. In July 2012, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the renewed Action Programme for eleminating administrative barriers and reduce regulatory burdens for 2012 and 2013.

The positive impacts of implementing better regulation policy are reflected in:
• improved competitiveness of companies/the economy,
• the promotion of openness of the market,
• improved standard of living,
• increased transparency,

which in practice manifests in:
• reducing the costs of companies,
• encouraging the business sector,
• efficient legislative arrangement,
• better legislation, i.e. enhanced execution of obligations.

The web portal includes:
• The website
• The national database of measurements of administrative burdens in the regulations of the Republic of Slovenia, and
• The system for the administration of comments.


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Matija Kodra
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Compliance with EU assets
Yes - Namenjen je uresničevanju Programa za odpravo administrativnih ovir in zmanjšanje bremen za 25 %, ki ga je sprejela in potrdila Vlada RS v letu 2009. V juliju 2012 je bil omenjeni program dopolnjen z vrsto novimi pobudami s strani strokovne in zainteresirane javnosti Tudi na evropski ravni potekajo aktivnosti v smeri odprave administrativnih ovir, ki zagotavljajo pogoje za učinkovito delovanje notranjega trga in orodje, ki vodi k doseganju srednjeročnih in dolgoročnih ciljev lizbonske strategije. Komisija je v ta namen pripravila program zmanjšanja administrativnih bremen za 25% do 2012. Splošni cilj zmanjšanja obremenitev za 25% je skupni cilj, ki ga je možno doseči samo na podlagi deljene odgovornosti in skupnega prizadevanja držav članic in evropskih institucij. Za namen izvajanja akcijskega programa so bili na evropski ravni pripravljeni in sprejeti ukrepi poenostavitev, ki izhajajo iz prioritetnih področij. S tem programom ni zavezana samo Komisija pač pa tudi vse države članice, saj administrativne ovire izhajajo tudi iz nacionalnih zakonodaj. Komisija tako poleg naporov za zmanjšanje administrativnih ovir v evropski zakonodaji spremlja in spodbuja tudi merjenje administrativnih stroškov ter odpravo administrativnih ovir v vseh državah članicah. V letu 2007 so predsedniki vlad na spomladanskem Evropskem svetu sprejeli zavezo za merjenje in znižanje administrativnih bremen v višini 25 % na 13 področjih do leta 2012 (Action programme for reducing administrative burdens in the EU - Commission Communication - COM(2007)23 (januar 2007) + Aneks SEC(2007)84 in SEC(2007)85).
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