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Action Plan for the Digital Public Services Strategy 2030 629 views

The first action plan for the Strategy for Digital Public Services 2030 was approved by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on 30 August 2023 and consists of 109 specific measures from 26 competent authorities. These measures will in the next 2-3 years contribute most to the digitization of public services in Slovenia and will have the most significant impact on the digital transformation of the public sector and society and the wider ecosystem of related stakeholders.
Of particular importance are the measures addressing the public services highlighted in the strategy as 'key public services', which are also aligned with the EU Digital Compass and EU Digital Decade targets for 2030.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the implementation of the strategy and its corresponding action plan. Competent authorities are responsible for regular annual reporting and implementation of the measures.
The Action Plan will be updated every two years.


Interoperability level
Organizational interoperability
Interoperability sublevel
National interoperability framework
ADMS type of interoperability
Owner institution

Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo





MDP v sodelovanju z vsebinsko pristojnimi institucijami
Restrictions of use
Compliance with EU assets
Yes - Strategija in akcijski načrt sta skladna z EU Digitalnim kompasom in EU programom politike Pot v digitalno desetletje do leta 2030.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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