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Public Administration Central Vocabulary 916 views

The central vocabulary uniformly and clearly defines the key terminology used within public administration. All terms in the central vocabulary have a clear, unambiguous and non-redundant definition. In the central vocabulary, terms are organized into a hierarchical structure. Each concept can be in one or more relations of superiority or subordination to other concepts. Relationships between concepts also include associative (non-hierarchical) relationships.
The central vocabulary also contains other metadata (eg term administrators, allowed values in the form of code lists, related resources (eg online services that expose certain data), etc.).
The central vocabulary provides a consistent language and provided a reference for:
• Designers of information solutions, applications, registers, records, etc.
• Formulators of legislative and other texts.
• Users or data clients who are not the main bearers of the domain (eg other public administration bodies, business analysts, etc.).
The Central Vocabulary is published using the Web Protege web application, which is a multilingual tool for managing ontologies and other vocabularies. It supports RDF, SKOS, OWL and other modern standards in the field of semantic web.
This product is also exported to the international Joinup portal.


Interoperability level
Semantic interoperability
Interoperability sublevel
Semantic assets
ADMS type of interoperability
Owner institution

Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo





Igor Tričkovič Rifelj
Restrictions of use
Compliance with EU assets
Yes - EIF
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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