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140 Results in catalogue

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The eJR information system supports the process of implementation and processing of public tenders. It supports the process of electronic submission and processing of applications from applicants and provides the necessary information regarding public tenders and tender conditions. The solution is accessible at any time and from any place, including from a mobile device, and is suitably information secure. The eJR information system is built with the use of open source sources and purpose-developed modules. It is set up on the central information and communication infrastructure of the state authorities, which provides adequate security and technical conditions for the operation of information systems. In the construction of the security system, the use of the GENERIC ounter technological requirements and the Guidelines for the development of information systems place. eJR uses the common building blocks of the state administration SI-CeS, SI-CAS and smsPASS and connects with the document system KRPAN and the central electronic storage CEH. Key eJR functionalities are: - creation of smart electronic forms for data capture or entry via an intuitive graphical interface; - automatic verification of the logical correctness of input fields during the application (before submission); - generation of appropriate documents (invitation to supplement, evaluation sheet, decision, etc.) according to the stage of the tender procedure; - independent adaptation of implementation parameters of calls, which also includes the creation of a project team and delegation of project applications; - creation of new calls based on pre-prepared templates and / or pre-calls; - electronic evaluation of applications with quantitative criteria that can be set for each call; possibility of conducting assessments from remote locations and independently from other members of expert committees; - export of data from the system for later analysis; - login via a common SI-CAS building block (user name and password, qualified digital certificate, smsPASS); - electronic signing of applications with RS valid qualified digital certificates - a common building block of SI-CeS; - possibility of connectivity or integration with back-end systems (e.g. with document system KRPAN;) - central electronic file storage (CEH); - the ability to create an audit trail that provides insight into the access and activities of system users.

Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 25.04.2023 | 804 views

The eHeritage online application (ISeD) enables maintenance and use of the Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage (eRNPD module) and the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage (eRNSD module), establishment and maintenance of the system of Heritage Protection Areas (eVOD module) and effective monitoring and supervision of archaeological fieldwork research (eArchaeology module). The ISeD application supports all phases of the above-mentioned heritage protection processes and all involved stakeholders: the Ministry of Culture, the competent organisations for the protection of cultural heritage, the state and private archaeological research providers, the regional museums, and citizens. The publicly accessible parts of the ISeD application allow citizens to engage in the cultural heritage protection system. On the My eHeritage portal, citizens can submit initiatives for entry in the Register of Cultural Heritage, applications for cultural heritage consents for the investigation and removal of archaeological remains and participate in e-public consultation on the definition of protection regimes for cultural heritage. All relevant and up-to-date spatial and attribute data from ISeD is published on GIS public portal as open data. The application operates on the Slovenian State Cloud infrastructure and uses central building blocks (SI-PASS, GeoHub-SI and Geospatial Web Services, TRAY etc.). The ISeD application has been developed in the framework of the project "Integrated Information Support for the Protection of Cultural Heritage" and has been in use since September 2022.

Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 25.04.2023 | 448 views

With the KRPAN information system, we are introducing a single, technologically updated, flexible, easily scalable and advanced information solution for public sector to support the management of documentary material installed on the central information infrastructure of the Ministry of Public Administration. It enables government employees to work with documentary material faster, more flexibly and more efficiently. Provides secure capture and management of original and covered documentary material in digital form. Supports the recording and management of general and administrative matters and document lists, support for work with government materials, support for work with e-invoices and other financial accounting documents and travel orders. The modular design of the solution enables upgradability in terms of increasing the number of users, the volume of data, changing and complementing functionality, changing the internal organization of users and connecting with other information systems. It offers other information systems individual central functions such as: capture of physical material, central numbering, signing of documents, validation and shipping of documents. For the purpose of safe and legal long-term storage, a central storage of electronic material has been established within the project, which will also be available to other information solutions of state administration bodies. • The new legally compliant central storage will ensure the secure capture and management of original and covered documentary material in digital form, which will enable: • Accessibility - safeguard against loss and continuous access for the duration of the storage period. • Usability - ensure reproduction and suitability of reproductions for use. • Integrity, authenticity - the demonstrability of the correlation of the reproduced content with the content of the source material or the source of that material (authenticity). • Continuity and integrity and orderly reproduction of content with respect to the content of the original material. • Appropriate metadata on identification, origin, content, technical characteristics, controls and traceability. With the new unified information solution, friendly user interface and mobile access, employees of the state administration get a unified, faster, cheaper and safer tool for working with documentary material.

Available as: PDF
Asset | Release: 1.0 | Last change date: 14.04.2023 | 2705 views