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IMPORTANT! Since 9.12.2016, the "DATA" are being published on our NEW OPEN DATA PORTAL "OPSI": https://podatki.gov.si/data/search .



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141 Results in catalogue

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The prototype of the Data Map application was developed as part of a pilot project of the same name in cooperation with the OPSI portal (Slovenia Open Data Portal) and is an extension of the OPSI catalogue of public sector information. The Data Map provides an enriched understanding of data sources and the data they contain. The Data Map helps to understand how data are interlinked, their meaning, the refresh rate, etc., and it allows for an overview and exploration of the data structures of the data sources as well. It is designed to facilitate the exploration, discovery and access to data sources that are further used, for example, to design public services and other tools and applications for public administrations, citizens and businesses. The tool provides a general overview of the data landscape based on descriptions of data sources according to semantic standards (RDF-based), allowing inter-comparability and interoperability. The overview is provided in a form of a graph, allowing the user to efficiently and transparently search for related data across sources. In addition to the overview of the global schema of the Data Map, which contains all types of description categories and properties used to describe the datasets in the Data Map, it also allows the overview of the schemas of selected sources and data structures (the available data model). Citizens, companies and organisations are interested in the data as end-users and can freely use the published data or check the conditions for access and use of other protected public sector information. In this way, we aim to strengthen interoperability between public administrations and encourage the use of data for commercial, non-commercial or research purposes.

Available as: DOCX
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 09.04.2024 | 325 views

The prototype of the Data Map application was developed as part of a pilot project of the same name in cooperation with the OPSI portal (Slovenia Open Data Portal) and is an extension of the OPSI catalogue of public sector information. The Data Map provides an enriched understanding of data sources and the data they contain. The Data Map helps to understand how data are interlinked, their meaning, the refresh rate, etc., and it allows for an overview and exploration of the data structures of the data sources as well. It is designed to facilitate the exploration, discovery and access to data sources that are further used, for example, to design public services and other tools and applications for public administrations, citizens and businesses. The tool provides a general overview of the data landscape based on descriptions of data sources according to semantic standards (RDF-based), allowing inter-comparability and interoperability. The overview is provided in a form of a graph, allowing the user to efficiently and transparently search for related data across sources. In addition to the overview of the global schema of the Data Map, which contains all types of description categories and properties used to describe the datasets in the Data Map, it also allows the overview of the schemas of selected sources and data structures (the available data model). Citizens, companies and organisations are interested in the data as end-users and can freely use the published data or check the conditions for access and use of other protected public sector information. In this way, we aim to strengthen interoperability between public administrations and encourage the use of data for commercial, non-commercial or research purposes.

Available as: DOCX
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 09.04.2024 | 318 views

The primary purpose of SI-CAS is to integrate the functionality of the electronic identification into IT solutions of the public sector. It is established as a central service for identity verification that is available to web applications. Central service makes sense, since it is a universal solution for all services in order to ensure security and trust that are needed for a reliable user identification. The central support enables easier management and allows the usage of different electronic identifiers of various issuers and the support of various technical solutions (eg. support for the reliable authentication via mobile phones) and their development. Users can authenticate using different e-identities of domestic and foreign identity providers. E-identities can have different trust assurance levels from the lowest level (user names and passwords, FB profile, ...) to the highest levels (e-identity on a secure token, eg. on a smart card) provided by different identity providers. The required trust assurance level is always determined by the service provider that uses the SI-CAS for authentication purposes. The only user data stored in SI-CAS are his e-mail address and appropriately protected (encrypted or protected by the hash function) basic identifiers. Instead, only the information of the registered identity providers and available attributes providers are stored in the system. If the service provider decides to use the SI-CAS it doesn’t have to integrate with each identity provider and attribute provider separately but only with SI-CAS. In the process of authentication SI-CAS acts as a trusted intermediary. On the service provider’s request it verifies the user's identity at the relevant identity provider and, where necessary, obtains further identification attributes from identity provider or attribute providers. For this purpose SI-CAS has established direct trust with service providers, identity providers and attribute providers. Trust is established both on the technological and on a formal level.

Available as: DOCX ZIP PDF
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 03.04.2024 | 2059 views