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In Slovenia, the conversion of e-records into formats suitable for long-term storage is determined by regulations as mandatory (ZVDAGA, Article 11 and Article 28), when e-records must be stored for more than five years. Storage of e-records over five years is considered as long-term storage). The criteria that must be met by formats to be suitable for long-term storage are also defined by law (Decree on the Protection of Documentary and Archival Material - UVDAG, Article 42), but only the general characteristics of such formats are determined. Therefore, the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (Archives of the Republic of Slovenia) for individual types of e-records, in accordance with the Rules on uniform technological requirements for the capture and storage of material in digital form (Article 35) publishes on its website (https://www.gov.si / assets / bodies-in-composition / Arhiv-RS / Zakonodaja-2019 / Rules-on-uniform-technological-requirements-for-capture-and-storage-of-material-in-digital-form / List-of-record-form -dolgorocno-hrambo-ver-1.0.pdf) list of the most frequently used formats for individual types of e-records, which are suitable for its long-term storage and they are recommended or marked as acceptable by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. To convert e-records from one format to another, we need special software, which can be built into the application equipment itself (eg text editors) or it is a separate software - converter. However, since some of the information may be lost during the conversion of e-records, the correctness of each conversion must be checked with special software - validator. Slovenian regulations do not specifically define converters or validators are usable, and at the same time we know that there are a multitude of them available online today. Choosing the right software tools for conversion and validity is extremely important, as proprietary, free, or open source tools with a variety of functionalities and affordability are available. In order to decide which converters or validators are used in the process of preparation, the Slovenian Public Archives Service (SPAS) have set itself the task of researching this area within the project of establishing a Slovenian public e-archive (Project e-ARH.si: ESS 2016 - 2020/2021) and find these software tools. The starting point in the implementation of the set tasks was legally determined by ZVDAGA, Article 10. Within the project task KC2.5 we searched, tested and designed a set of converters for different types of e-archival records and validators. We searched for converters and validators for individual types of e-records: textual, pictorial, audiovisual, database, e-mail, Websites and spatial data.

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Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 29.12.2021 | 291 views

Available as: PDF
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 06.06.2018 | 339 views

The preparation and the final formation of regulation is a process, in which the ministries, the public, government offices, the government and the national assembly are actively involved. Parts of this process had already been supported by some previously developed software tools. The project called IT-supported procedure for drafting legislation (ITDL), therefore, had to cover various aspects to ensure the functioning of various software platforms and the use of full range of related software products. The result of the project is a system which allows coverage of all essential steps in the process of adopting a legal act, operating uniformly in all spheres of competence, which are involved in the process of preparing and adopting legislation. Strong emphasis is also placed on the fostering of the involvement of public contribution in the process of regulation drafting. Linking back-end systems of the ITDL with the web sub-portal E-democracy allows for easy monitoring of existing legislation and preparation of new legislation in one place, which is of paramount importance to users. Above all, this part is very useful for non-governmental organizations (NGO's) and professional sphere of the public, which are in this way able to convey comments and suggestions, thus contributing to better legislation. Also supported in the process is the electronic signing of documents, while the collection of documents and the preparation of all regulation material is centralized. The IT-supported procedure for the drafting legislation project pursued the following objectives: • to create standardised software support for users at the ministries, government offices and the government, which must be user-friendly, easy to use and must offer automated procedures whenever possible; • to provide the public easy online access to regulations in the drafting procedure and, at the same time, encourage the public to actively participate in all phases of the procedure of adopting legislation.

Available as: PPT
Asset | Release: 1.1 | Last change date: 12.08.2016 | 439 views