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Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za informacijsko varnost (1)
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44 Results in catalogue

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The Digital Slovenia 2030 strategy is the overarching strategy for the digital transformation of our country by 2030 and is the response of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to the development challenges of digitalization. It is intended to provide strategic planning for promoting Slovenia's digital transformation in the development period by the year 2030. The strategy takes into account the ambitions and principles of the European Union (EU) and is the result of coordination between government representatives, institutions, academics, civil society, and the interested public. It addresses the key areas of Slovenia's digital transformation, building on European strategic documents and focusing on the main challenges of digital transformation in Slovenia. The strategy anticipates orientations and targets with indicators to address the biggest development gaps to accelerate the development of digital transformation in all areas, from gigabit infrastructure to the digital transformation of the economy, digital public services, the path to Smart Society 5.0, cybersecurity, digital competences and inclusion, and related content such as enabling environments and the green transition. The Digital Slovenia 2030 Strategy is a strategic document and contains specific measurable indicators in each of the thematic areas. The overarching objective of the strategy is to promote the digital transformation of Slovenia in all segments – society, government, local communities, and the economy. The Ministry responsible for digital transformation is responsible for managing the implementation of the strategy.

Available as: DOCX
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 08.12.2023 | 1225 views

The Gigabit Infrastructure Development Plan is Slovenia’s strategic document for the setting up – and partly also for promoting the use of – infrastructure that will enable gigabit connectivity to all Slovenian households or homes, businesses, and the main socio-economic drivers, while providing uninterrupted 5G coverage in all urban and other populated areas and along major terrestrial transport paths. The Plan is fully harmonised with the fundamental digital objectives of the European Union in the field of connectivity, but it does not include digital objectives in the field of digital infrastructure which will be covered by other strategic documents and public policies. The Plan includes objectives and measures aimed at developing gigabit infrastructure, hence making Slovenia one of the most digitally advanced countries by 2030, providing coverage by gigabit networks to all households and 5G coverage of all populated areas. The Plan’s key intermediate objective is to provide by 2025 all Slovenian households with internet connectivity offering at least 100 Mbps, upgradeable to gigabit speed. The Plan also constitutes a basis for the allocation of funds from the recovery and resilience facility, cohesion policy funds for the period 2021–2027 and other public funds in this field. In this way, the ex ante conditionality is met for the deployment of broadband infrastructure in white spots and the promotion of connectivity with the uptake of the most suitable technologies.

Available as: DOCX
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 01.09.2023 | 342 views