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General information

The content of the NIO portal us updated dynamically.
Contracting authority: Ministry of Public Administration
Design: XLAB d.o.o.
Contact: nio.mju(at)gov.si

About NIO
The NIO portal is a basic tool for reporting, monitoring and application of assets of interoperability which the custodians of information systems in public administration have to prepare in line with the national interoperability requirements.
The NIO portal is also a support tool for registering and certifying assets of interoperability. Via the portal the following key content and information can be implemented:
  • - publishing product interoperability,
  • - publishing information on interoperability
  • - systematic search for, display and presentation of products of interoperability.
In addition to the publication of information relating to interoperability, the NIO portal also covers the support for inspection and certification of products.
The NIO portal presents a junction for notifiers and users of interoperability assets which are necessary for a coherent development, implementation and maintenance of information systems in public administration, as well as broader.
Some basic information on the content and interoperability assets can also be found in English.
All the information and figures contained in the website www.nio.gov.si a.k.a. www.data.gov.si are available for use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). When re-using the information, the user must specify the source: Public information provided of Slovenia and the title of the owner (institution) (for example, Public information provided by Slovenia, Ministry of Finance, www.nio.gov.si).