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Manual for the opening of public sector information 271 views

The manual is designed to be opened data collections and online publication in the form of "open data" and does not contain instructions and explanations of the authorities handling the case when carrying out the process of making a request of an applicant for re-use. Learn more about the latest ZDIJZ-E and the procedure for obtaining information on the basis of a request for re-use can be found on the website of the Ministry of Public Administration. Facilitate data searches and data collections will be placed on the Slovenian national portal of open data, which will be led by the Ministry of Public Administration and is expected in autumn 2016 modeled on open data portal of the European Union as a single entry point for re uporabo.Ključna added value to the portal, in addition to the "open" database, a uniform national catalog databases, from which they derive all the information about the files kept by the public sector, and their metadata. Thus, in one place also ensured transparency regarding the management of databases (public records and other databases), the method of acquisition and the conditions of re-use.


Interoperability level
Technical interoperability
Interoperability sublevel
Data presentation and exchange
ADMS type of interoperability
Owner institution

Ministrstvo za javno upravo





Matevž Caserman, mag. Renata Zatler, mag. Aleš Veršič, mag. Mateja Prešern
Restrictions of use
Compliance with EU assets
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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