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Guidelines on procuring IT solutions 473 views

These guidelines represent a recommendation for contracting authorities regarding procurement of IT solutions and define recommended approaches for the preparation of contracts. They deal with various areas of procurement regarding the development and maintenance of information systems. Addressing the entire life cycle of IT solutions in public administration, they give contracting authorities recommendations regarding the use of different types of procedures laid down by the Public Procurement Act (ZJN-3). At the same time, these guidelines support Slovenia’s new challenge: to become green reference country. With them, we want to encourage competition between economic operators so that they compete with the quality of the offered solutions and price. Guidelines wish to offer assistance to contracting authorities in the crucial phase of the contract when determining the needs, preparation of specifications, selection and award criteria and the selection of a procurement procedure. Examples of good practice are also offered for a better understanding.
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Interoperability level
Organizational interoperability
Interoperability sublevel
National interoperability framework
ADMS type of interoperability
Owner institution

Ministrstvo za javno upravo





Ministrstvo za javno upravo, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Združenje nabavnikov Slovenije, Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije
Restrictions of use
Compliance with EU assets
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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