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(The data model repository is currently still in the data filling phase) The repository of data models contains data models of basic registers, records and key information solutions of public administration. It allows their structures and metadata to be stored centrally and in a uniform manner. It provides existing and potential users with precise information on which data is already collected within the framework of public administration and therefore does not need to be defined anew. The repository provides: • Standardized conceptual and logical data models. • Standardized and comprehensive description of classes, entities, relations, attributes, etc. • A uniform and broad set of metadata, which enables a clear and unambiguous definition of the content of databases. • Ownership information. • Versioning and change control. • Link to reference data (code books) and the Central Vocabulary. • Relationships (mappings) between individual basic registers and their data elements. Core data models are also included in the Data Model Repository. These are reusable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of entities in a context-neutral way. Public administration bodies can use and expand them in the following ways: • Development of new information solutions: core data models can be used as a default starting point for creating conceptual and logical data models of newly developed information solutions. Such an example can be e.g. common, universal business processes, such as the implementation of the Administrative Procedure Act. • Data exchange between information solutions: Core data models can form the basis of context-specific data models for data exchange between existing information solutions. • Data integration: Core data models can be used to integrate data coming from different heterogeneous sources. The repository of data models is closely connected with the Central Vocabulary and the Registry of Ciphers, which are also part of the Platform for Semantic Interoperability (PZSI).

Available as: PDF
Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 18.07.2024 | 489 views

Skrinja is an example of the effective use of innovative advanced technologies supporting service delivery with decision-making. It includes a business intelligence (BI) system with a data warehouse. Skrinja is used by different public authorities and is developed and managed by the Ministry for Digital Transformation. Users can interactively view and process data in real-time with powerful visualisations, also using mobile devices. In this way, data processing, analytics, and visualisations are significantly speeded up, simplified, and automated, especially for routine activities, so that employees can be engaged in finding new knowledge in the data and interpreting it accordingly. It is designed as a horizontal service for users of the public administration. It includes and shows in real-time: - public sector salaries (over 180.000 civil servants, 2000 budget users with over 750 types of payments), - public procurement data (over 11% of GDP), and - data from the document system Krpan showing the state of play of the administrative procedures of the country's administrative units. Furthermore, 12 new data sources from different public authorities are in preparation, as the interest in analytical decision support among public authorities is high. An online Public Procurement in Skrinja is planned to be publicly available shortly. Further steps will be made in developing predictive analytics and algorithmic processing using AI. The Skrinja system has been awarded several times (in 2020 - the »e-Service of Public Administration« award of the Slovenian Society of Informatics and in 2022 and it made it to the finals of »Moving Forward for the Best Improvement in public administration« of the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Administration). For any additional information regarding the Chest system please contact us via e-mail: skrinja@gov.si

Available as: DOCX PDF ODT
Asset | Release: 1.1 | Last change date: 19.06.2024 | 594 views

In 2023 an IoT Connectivity Platform pilot project was implemented, which is intended for users from the state administration. Technically it focuses on a key challenge, i.e. how to connect various IoT end devices like sensors, actuators, meters, dedicated devices, buildings etc. with a single common platform, considering that these end devices may communicate wirelessly or via wired connections, generally using different transmission and data protocols and formats. The purpose of the IoT Connectivity Platform is to provide some sort of common denominator for all these various end devices by enforcing NGSI-LD specifications through the use of the FIWARE Context Broker central building block. The first user of the platform is the Tangible Assets Directorate at the Ministry of Public Administration, which manages approximately 350 buildings and continiously carries out energy renovation project on these buildings. The IoT Connectivity Platform is currently used to gather data from sensors and meters installed in these buildings in order to meet rather detailed energy bookkeeping requirements. In the future, however, the same platform will also be used for advanced energy management in buildings. Other potential users of the platform are also other ministries, government departments, state offices, state agencies as well as administrative units. The IoT connectivity platform used for advanced energy management in buildings will significantly improve their energy efficiency and can therefore be considered fully in line with the EU's climate and green goals of reducing emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and reaching the target, that the EU will be climate neutral by 2050, as agreed by the Council and the European Parliament. In addition, it will help conserve non-renewable energy sources such as oil and gas, thereby reducing associated costs.

Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 14.06.2024 | 130 views