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Search within the site. The repositories of the NIO portal are used as catalogues. These catalogues contain information on datasets and data structure, their use, data administrator etc. The owner of the information is always the institution which created them, regardless if the institution is part of the private sector or a non-govermental organisation. The owner of all information within the public information system is the state.
Since 9.12.2016, the "DATA" are being published on our NEW OPEN DATA PORTAL "OPSI": https://podatki.gov.si/data/search .



Public administration, administrative procedures and information security (19)
General (12)
Information Society (11)
Environment, INSPIRE (9)
Protection of personal data and public information (4)
Transport (3)
Culture (3)
Environment (2)
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food (2)
Statistics (1)
Health care (1)
International issues (1)
Internal affairs (1)
All fields


Common methodologies and policies (5)
Digital identities, electronic signiture and e-Documents (4)
Central IT building blocks (3)
Interoperability framework, central applications (3)
Central building blocks, e-Government architecture (2)


E-Services (12)
Technical interoperability (9)
Legislative interoperability (9)
Organizational interoperability (7)
Semantic interoperability (5)


E-services (12)
Cross-sectorial agreements (6)
Semantic assets (4)
Law (Act) (4)
Regulation (Decree) (2)
Accessibility - Interface design principles (2)
Web Services (1)
File type and document formats (1)
Policy of National interoperability framework (1)
XML-based standards (1)
XML schemas (1)
Contract (1)
Distributed Application Architecture (1)
Data presentation and exchange (1)
Regulations (1)
Memorandum (1)
Message transport and security (1)
File and message transfer protocols (1)
All interoperability sublevels


Mandatory (42)


PDF (14)
DOC (7)
DOCX (5)
PPT (2)
ZIP (1)
TXT (1)
Vsi formati


Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve (7)
Ministrstvo za digitalno preobrazbo (6)
Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije (5)
Ministrstvo za javno upravo (3)
Ministrstvo za kulturo (2)
Arhiv Republike Slovenije (2)
Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (1)
Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije (1)
Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za informacijsko varnost (1)
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42 Results in catalogue

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Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 14.11.2016 | 729 views

The preparation and the final formation of regulation is a process, in which the ministries, the public, government offices, the government and the national assembly are actively involved. Parts of this process had already been supported by some previously developed software tools. The project called IT-supported procedure for drafting legislation (ITDL), therefore, had to cover various aspects to ensure the functioning of various software platforms and the use of full range of related software products. The result of the project is a system which allows coverage of all essential steps in the process of adopting a legal act, operating uniformly in all spheres of competence, which are involved in the process of preparing and adopting legislation. Strong emphasis is also placed on the fostering of the involvement of public contribution in the process of regulation drafting. Linking back-end systems of the ITDL with the web sub-portal E-democracy allows for easy monitoring of existing legislation and preparation of new legislation in one place, which is of paramount importance to users. Above all, this part is very useful for non-governmental organizations (NGO's) and professional sphere of the public, which are in this way able to convey comments and suggestions, thus contributing to better legislation. Also supported in the process is the electronic signing of documents, while the collection of documents and the preparation of all regulation material is centralized. The IT-supported procedure for the drafting legislation project pursued the following objectives: • to create standardised software support for users at the ministries, government offices and the government, which must be user-friendly, easy to use and must offer automated procedures whenever possible; • to provide the public easy online access to regulations in the drafting procedure and, at the same time, encourage the public to actively participate in all phases of the procedure of adopting legislation.

Available as: PPT
Asset | Release: 1.1 | Last change date: 12.08.2016 | 572 views

This is the model accepted by the European Commission for measuring the administrative costs incurred to businesses by the EU (EU Directives and other legislation). Today the Standard Cost Model (SCM) is internationally the most widespread methodology for measuring administrative costs. With the help of the model for measuring the administrative costs individual legislative acts are analysed in such a way that the necessary information and data (IO - information obligation) are defined and further divided into specific activities to be undertaken by a company (individual or an organization) to provide the necessary information required by legislation. IO is regarded as any additional obligation in the form of new procedures imposed on the parties (more difficult exercise of rights and legal interests, submitting additional documents or more complex documents etc.) resulting in higher costs and time-consuming procedures. This defines measurable administrative activities. Strengths of the common methodology: - A systematic review of the Act and associated implementing regulations; - A comprehensive overview of the relevant area with the acquisition of information on burdens; - The possibility of comprehensive system solutions; - The possibility of simulation of the obtained data, costs, obligations, burdens; - Quantitative evaluation of obligations; - Possibility to evaluate the entire field of work, individual rule or regulation or a part thereof; - Methodology applicable ex-ante or ex-ponte; - International comparability.

Asset | Release: 0.1 | Last change date: 23.02.2016 | 456 views