Overall digitalisation of our business and everyday living environment, sharp increases in big data, the so-called “the Internet of Things” where a growing number of devices that surround us communicate among themselves, as well as alter business models present us with huge daily challenges which cannot be understood otherwise than as a beginning of a new radical change of all business and social systems where guiding principles are:
- Digital by default
- Once only principle
- Inclusiveness and accessibility
- Openness and transparency
- Cross border by default
- Interoperability by default
- Trustworthiness and security
"To "Inspire and get inspired: diversity drives innovation."
Slovenia has recognised the importance and benefits of the “Once-Only” principle, whereby the citizens, organisations and businesses provide their information only once. The Single Business Point project provides business entities with all the necessary information through the e-VEM Portal in a simple and transparent manner. In the future it will be upgraded, so it will be even more effective in providing renewed electronic procedures for dealing with the State, as well as in offering support for simple obligatory reporting, which would save the State at least EUR 10 million per year.
In the context of this concept, the existing
e-VEM Portal already efficiently functions as a business portal where companies and entrepreneurs can carry out electronic services when establishing a company, as well as several those most common and mandatory by law, which the business entity can carry out upon or after establishing a company. e-VEM today no longer applies solely to independent entrepreneurs and businesses. The range of users is expanding; in addition to business entities, some services provided by e-VEM (application for compulsory health insurance, insurance application against the risk of injury at work and occupational disease, and advertising a vacant post) are being used by public administration institutions as well.
The Slovenia Business Portal is in the final stage of completion. This portal is already available to foreign entrepreneurs, but from 2017 onwards, it will ensure conducting all cross-border electronic procedures and establishing a foreign business in Slovenia.
A single set of measures for providing an improved legislative and business environment on the
STOP Bureaucracy Portal offers the user an overview of all measures and control for realising measures for a better business environment, and a review of the savings in municipalities in Slovenia. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is continuously verifying the progress of the implementation of measures, and keeps the data in the Single Database up to date.
MOPED (Modular Framework for the Preparation of Electronic Documents)
With the aim of improving the process for adopting regulations and assessment of the implications of this regulation in different areas in the developmental stage, application
MOPED (Modular Framework for the Preparation of Electronic Documents) is already prepared. Under this application, all documents in the legislative procedure will be prepared. As from June 2016, its use will be obligatory for all departments. It is mainly an assessment of implications of the regulations on the economy. (i.e.
SME test for small and medium sized businesses). In the future it will also be updated to assess the effects of regulations on the citizens, environment etc.
At the end of 2015, the new and thoroughly renewed
state e-Government portal e-Uprava was established. According to the concept of life events, the portal offers citizens 250 most frequently used electronic services, which are linked to more than 30 databases. In addition to submitting electronic applications, citizens also have insight into the status of their application, and insight into their personal data stored in the national data registries. During the renewal of the portal, special attention was given to persons with special needs, as well as those who swear on mobile technology.
It is one of the key projects of the “Digital by Default” principle. E-Public Procurement enables greater transparency of public procurement procedures, and provides possibility for re-use and analysis of basic data. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is planning a full transmission to
e-Public Procurement for all users in January 2018, which will result in EUR 20 million savings per year.
The results in joint procurement are encouraging, especially in the health sector. In 2016, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is planning 17 joint procurements, which is 30% higher compared to last year.
In February 2016, e-Auctions and e-Counter Auctions have become obligatory for all state authorities. Because of these two services, significant cost efficiency has already been achieved (7% savings). The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is encouraging municipalities to use these two tools.
e-Invoicing has become obligatory since January 2015 and should be used when dealing with public authorities. This service fully ensures electronic procedures for received invoices.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia pays a lot of attention to clear and efficient communication with citizens. Its aim is to provide information in a transparent, comprehensive, concise and easily accessible manner. Therefore, a single digital gateway and a digital portal
GOV.SI is already under development for citizens, foreigners, non-governmental organisations, business entities and public administrations. Gradually, more than 270 already existing sites and portals of public authorities will gradually be included in the portal. The structure of the content will be based on life events of the user, or areas identical to the user’s needs.
In the context of the
Single Editorial Policy of national websites, a new concept for editing web content has already been developed. With this approach the quality of information provided will improve and duplication will be avoided.
The Single Contact Centre (EKC) is a support system for the users of public administration services. This presents a direct two-way communication between users/citizens and the State via the telephone or electronically. Through EKC, the State receives and solves users' problems and ensures high quality information. It also receives user suggestions and proposals for improving their business, to which it provides feedback.
The National Interoperability Framework Portal –
NIO is intended for the exchange of public sector interoperability solutions and assets, as well as for publication of open data. The NIO Portal is a platform which primarily serves as an intermediary for the exchange of solutions, applications and building blocks between public authorities. On one hand, the portal brings together a catalogue of electronic services, and on the other hand, establishes a central point for the publication of open data in the public sector in way that promotes good practice and re-use. Since 9.12.2016, the "DATA" are being published on our NEW OPEN DATA
PORTAL "OPSI" , which will base on the source code of the EU open data portal.
Erar online service provides public insight into the operation of public institutions, state-owned enterprises and municipalities. It also contains data on legal persons governed by private law, which facilitates transparency of the State and limits corruption risks.
Statist – the new web-based application – is available to the general public; it provides an integrated and updated publication of contracts (procurement) since 2013. By accessing Statist (contracts) and Erar (realised contracts) the user gains comprehensive and transparent insight into the field of public procurement.
The State is developing central building blocks for the provision of horizontal services which will be available to various information systems providers. At present, services for the management of identities are being developed, i.e. trust services, such as e-Authentication, e-Signature and e-Delivery. The central authentication system (
SI-CAS) offers the possibility of verifying an electronic identity in one place. It has been successfully integrated into the state e-Government portal e-Uprava.
Multipurpose building blocks for electronic data gathering (Tray, IO-Module, Asynchronous Module, and Security Platform) and SOVD building block for the exchange of big files are two examples of good practice. These building blocks were primarily developed for the needs of e-Sociala; however, they are being used as common building blocks in other information systems which require their functions. Building blocks are very stable, reliable and highly automated. In practice, for the use of e-Sociala, 10.000-30.000 financial situations from more than 50 sources in public administration and beyond (e.g. banks) are being acquired daily.
Today, numerous public institutions are already acquiring data with the help of building blocks (e.g. Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, State Prosecutor's Office, State Attorney's Office, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food etc.).
The Slovenian State Cloud (
DRO) was launched in December 2015. It establishes a computerised infrastructure for direct budget users and provides them with storage, development, business and other forms of services. In the coming years, two more services will be developed: the hybrid cloud computing offering solutions to the public sector, and the innovative-development cloud which will serve as a platform for educational establishments and start-ups.
1.Slovenian State Cloud (DRO)
It represents a computerised infrastructure owned and operated by the State. This infrastructure provides services which deal with sensitive, personal and other data and information which the State does not wish to store outside its controlled environment. DRO allows all public institutions (direct budget users) to quickly reach their professional goals by using the cloud computing concept.
2.Hybrid Cloud Computing (HRO)
It is a computerised infrastructure which will be developed in accordance with the State’s standards and recommendations. It will also carry out inspections on safety and compliance controls. This cloud will be ensured by a commercial provider; however, the data will not leave the country. As a rule, the users will have to pay to use the service (indirect budget users, municipalities, public institutes, agencies). Services or software used by public institutions can be put into use in the broader public sector.
3.Innovative-Developmental Cloud Computing (IRO)
It is a computerised technology which uses cloud computing concepts intended for the development of new applications and systems through the use of open data and open standards. IRO will be accessible to the recipients of state subsidies and aids (RRI), as well as small and medium sized start-ups which will have to keep records of their results (products) all in one place. Developers will be motivated and trained under the concept of “universal solutions”, which will be of use in the region and the EU. The model will be offered to the EU and in the region (roaming, platform). The Slovenian cloud computing platform may constitute a pilot platform for the entire region and the EU.
News about the »Slovenian State Cloud« project has expanded across our national borders. Some Member States and China have been showing interest for the project.
Competitiveness in today's business world is ever less dependent solely on the quality of the product or service. New breakthrough achievements on the market are based on innovative business models that depend more and more on the use of big data and integration of stakeholders in the environment. Until only recently we did not recognise these shared interests.
In order to develop such business models, search for new innovative connections between sectors, disciplines, between the state and private sector, it is essential that the data are open, accessible, organised and its analytical and re-use mechanisms flawless.
The largest hotelier in the world (AirBnB) does not own a single hotel, the biggest bookshop in the world (Amazon) has not printed a single book, the largest social community (Facebook) has not organised a single social gathering, the biggest intermediary of short messages (Twitter) has not sent a single telegraph, the largest encyclopaedist in the world (Wikipedia) has not published a single encyclopaedia, and the largest transport company (Uber) does not own a single car. These are the five most exposed examples with which we face every day. We accept them, because they enable us to make our way in the modern way of life and give us a sense of real time participation.
The development of a platform for innovative processing and simulation between Big Data is based on the Slovenian State Could (DRO) infrastructure. The DRO infrastructure has successfully passed the test upon the migration of customs systems. Its concept has proved to be one of the most modern, efficient and reliable in the European customs environment.
In addition to the DRO infrastructure which represents one of the prerequisite conditionality for the establishment of the Big Data processing platform, we are developing concepts of the so-called data map, data repository and data dictionary. With these concepts we simplify the introduction of the business intelligence concept and Big Data processing concept in an innovative way. The concepts will be adapted for use in a wide range of sectorial areas.
By developing a model application, we are establishing a platform for the simulation of procedures and processing of data in real time. A feature of the latter platform is that it also enables inclusion of data of the so-called concept “Internet of Things” in an innovative manner which, thanks to the e-Documents scheme, contains any internet source (of data and documents alike).
The IOT (Internet of Things) area is a fast growing industry, closely linked to processing of Big Data in real time (the best known example of its use in smart cities). The development of this area brought efficient tools for the processing of rapidly-changing data on a large scale (Big Data). These tools are adapted to the cloud computing environment. Stated above constitute additional conditionalities which help us achieve innovative solutions developed in synergy with the trinity concept of the cloud computing development strategy.
A multilingual platform for collaborative thesaurus management
Interoperability Maturity Model
Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens
Open e-Prior
An e-Procurement system for Public Administrations
European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)
A single tool facilitating participation in public procurement across the EU
A platform facilitating the sharing and reuse of IT solutions developed for public administrations
Core vocabularies
Metadata standards
A tool facilitating the editing of legislative texts
OCS for ECIs
Online Collection Software to support European Citizens' Initiatives
Open e-TrustEx
A secure document exchange platform
Common Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP)
A common data model for key business events and public services.
A tool for mapping certificates necessary in public procurement
A tool for creating, managing and analysing online surveys and public consultations
Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)
Metadata standard
A data communication network service, operated by the European Commission
DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe
Metadata standard
Open PM²
Open Project Management Methodology
A tool to manage and share reference codes
Common assessment method for standards and specifications
The National Interoperability Framework Observatory
Republica Slovenia Portal
State Portal eUprava
Information for Foreigners
Interesting information, topics of interoperability, modern solutions of information processes, best practices, etc.:
ISA Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administration - Towards a closer alignment of interoperability frameworks across Europe
Joinup Community of European Semantic Asset Repository - NIO Portal - The Slovenian National Interoperability Framework
OSI - Open Source Initiative
PAJEK - Program for Large Network Analysis
Pajek (Slovene word for Spider) is a program, for Windows, for analysis and visualization of large networks.
It is freely available, for noncommercial use, at its download page.